Sunday, February 22, 2009

Blog Assignment # 4

  1. The career I want to study
  2. This school's worst problem (and possible solutions)
  3. A special or unusual person by Kevin Barba
  4. A valuable discipline or practice (lifting weights, rock climbing, karate, meditation, etc.)
  5. Why many teenagers don't read the newspaper
  6. The best (or worst) teacher I ever had by Daniela Islas
  7. Music videos (choose one performer or group, one type of music, or one TV show) by Veronica Rubio
  8. The joys of homework (or housework or some other supposedly unpleasant task)
  9. How to resolve an argument peacefully by Ana Carolina Romero
  10. An important film (it can be also be a book, a magazine, or a TV show)
  11. The best gift I ever gave (or received) by Mayra Rios
  12. Three ways that cigarrette ads hook kids

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Buttons (Blog Assignment #3).

Their was a little kid who was always loosing his buttons. He always got in troubles because of it. One time he was in school and he lost his pant's button and he was so embarrassed he didn't get into classes. Too many things had happened to him that he decided to use cloths with no buttons at all. These wasn't a great idea because he had trouble finding those kinds of cloths, he couldn't used many cloths he really liked because they had buttons. He gave up and he went back to buttons.
This time he had a great idea, he decided to collect buttons, so if he loose one he could replace them. His idea was great for him but silly for others, he didn't care. As time passed he got may new buttons, and his idea was functioning. If he lost one button he immideatly would replace it with another. At some point after going to all of that problem he realized that since he started collecting buttons he didn't loose as much as he lost them before it. So he was happy and at te end he kept many buttons.

Road (Blog Assignment #3)

"Life may be rough sometimes; the road can get rocky, and paths dusty, but they still take you somewhere."

That's a phrase my mom told me all time when things got hard. She and I had a lot of fights with my dad. He is a very impatient and explosive person. He gets furious for every single detail. Yesterday, we were having dinner and there wasn't a beer for him to drink, so he got very mad and just fired up. He started yelling to my mom and to me without a reason. He got off the table and raised up his fist towards my mom. I ran to stand in front of her to protect her, and just closed my eyes and felt the punch hit my jaw.
I just wanted to escape. This kind of things had already happened before. I had a secret place where I would just sit and stare at the view. It was a road, a path marked at the field of white flowers near my house. I've never known where does it leads, but one day, when I can't take it anymore, I'll just go, and find the end of the path. But for now, I need to be at my mother side, she needs me. This place gives me the opportunity to put my mind in blank, it gives me strength to go back to my so called home, and live another day.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Shopping Cart (Assignment #3)

A little boy's life was taken because of a careless act. One day a mother and her child decided to go to the supermarket together. She parked the car and they went into the supermarket, but she noticed that she didn't grab a cart. She was looking at some ceramic dishes so she told her son to go get a cart for her. So there goes the 9 year old boy outside to get a cart. The little boy was so small that he could barely see over the cart, so he was just pushing it forward trying to keep straight. Bad luck for the little boy that he couldn't see what was coming in front of him.

On the other hand, an ordinary business man was driving supposedly looking for a parking space, while he was talking on his cellphone. Of course he was too busy talking on his cellphone to notice that there was a little boy coming right at him. Both of them didn't notice what was happening and exactly when the business man hung up.. BOOM! He took the little boy's cart with him and left the boy down on the floor. Immediately people gathered up and started calling for help. The mother of the kid noticed and ran as fast as she could, and when she saw her little baby down on the floor she completely broke in tears. The ambulance arrived and quickly took the boy, but the impact was too strong and the kid was too little that he did not make it to the hospital. A few hours after the accident, all that was left at the supermarket was a cart and a thousand tears.

walking (Blog Assignment #3)

Are they walking away from somebody or toward somebody? What's the story...
This Mom and his daughter heard a strange sound in the middle of the forest. The mother called Suzy was afraid; she doesn’t want to go, because she doesn’t want to expose Emily its daughter to a stranger or a wild animal. So the first time she ignore it totally, but she continue hearing the creepy sound that comes from the middle of the forest. Suzy started suspecting that maybe someone needs to be aid even dough she don’t go, for the same reason she was taking care of Emily. Suddenly Suzy noticed that the frightening crawl stopped, but a few moments later started again with a creepy and louder crawl than before.

She finally decided to go hugging Emily and getting through the forest to find out what produces the crawl. Suzy started walking to the forest little by little and turning around everywhere to see if something strange moves. As Suzy get deep inside in the forest, the crawl started getting harder and harder. Suzy was getting afraid and she was taking in consideration to come back, but every time she turned around the scream was harder and maked her to continue. She arrives to a precipice and turn down she found a man that was hanging from a rope since 12 hours long. Suzy get backed to its home and called the police so they get charged of the guy and saved her life.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Hat (Blog Assignment #3)


Who wears this hat? What's the story?

The hat was owned by this guy who wears always a white suite. This guy was named Bobby because of his grandfather’s nick name was Bob, so there the story goes. This guy named Bobby was a business man who always was very friendly and peaceful to everyone. He had a store were he sell candies, the best ones on the town. He always gave some kids candies and seems to be a very happy man. After his work on Thursdays he used to go with his grand parent Bob and enjoy the noon having a nice dinner. Bob and Bobby had a very nice relationship and they loved to talk for hours, they used to play poker with a nice Cuban cigar. Bobby’s Dad never showed up in his life, he didn’t know anything about him, for Bobby his grandpa as he used to call him was his own very father.

But the problem, there it was, Bob was a very old man, he had these amazing years of life with Bobby that he wouldn’t change. He saw all the Bobby’s changes that he used to enjoy. Moments later, while he was sleeping he just slept forever after. Bobby used to call him from home to give him the good morning to his grandpa, but this morning he didn’t answer, so it was weird for Bobby that he didn’t answer the phone but he didn’t pay attention to the fact, he thought maybe he was taking a shower or something. Bobby went to work and all his daily stuff, finally he went to Bob’s house and knocked the door, nobody answered the door, he started to get to the windows but nothing happened. So he decided to finally use the key that Bob have given to him. He entered; everything was silence, no more. He took off his hat and surprise saw the body of Bob, he started crying, because he knew this day would happen all of the sudden. Bobby always wore the white hat because it was from Bob and he gave it to him wit ha secret purpose.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Design driver

This ad is of the goberment. Really simple, but with a lot of message. The purpose of the ad is to make as consciene that drinking while driving is not a game that a lot of persons are in risk not only yours.

This ad is for all the person that drives a car. So they don't take this situation as a game.

The Same?

Smoking gave me the threat cancer
at 39. Now I breathe through a
hole in my throat and need this
machine to speak"
-Ronaldo Martinez

The ad is telling us to quit smoking, it goes to people who smoke and it could also be for people who don't smoke and maybe they are thinking of it. It was made to tell us what smoking can cause in our lives, and how would affect us maybe not like the guy in the ad but in some way. I think that the ad may cause a very hard impresion in some o us, but not to every body. The ad worked for me.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Drink Coca-Cola

If you guys can't read the box, it says:

"Housework brings that urge to pause and relax in an easy chair. Do it...
with ice-cold Coca-Cola. It adds to relaxation what relaxation always
needs... pure, wholesome, refreshment."

This ad goes to all mothers or women that clean up the house and are very exhausted after doing that. It wants to attract their attention, and made them think that if they drink Coca-Cola they'll feel new again.
I like this ad a lot, I think it is very persuading. I am a huge Coca-Cola fan, so this convinces me that I am going to feel better with a big, cold Coke. They always make very good, convincing and entertaining advertisements. The old ones and the new ones had and have a lot of impact in all generations, that's why we're still buying it, why it still exists, why it still is number one.

just do it!

This is an advertisment from Nike Company. It's logo is "Just Do It" as you can see. I think that it means to you should just do things, not wait for the next day, or think about why you are doing it. Why leave something for tomorrow when you can do it today. Stop thinking and worrying so much about things, and just do them. You can deal with the consequences later. It means to be active, play, dance, jump, run, laugh, cry, and just live.
This advertisement is for all people, kids, teenagers and adults. It's for anyone that wants to listen and apply. And for anyone who believes. This ad wants to send out a message to people to "Just do it" and I think it is successfull. Whoever feels like doing something, they sohuld do it.
"Just Do It"

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Hippie Cola !

This is an advertisement of Coca-Cola, was created manually and I think is really nice=).This Advertisement is not at a commercial level was homework from computer class long time ago at a program we were learning about.

This Advertisement is for everyone, no one in special, for everyone who is interested or attracted by the coke. Maybe some hippies are willing to buy some of these “Hippie Cola” I’ve invented made with peace & love.

The purpose of the advertisement is to promote a coke and new invention of the “company”, maybe some peace & love at the drink of coke would make the difference in the world. Everyone drunk of peace and love hell yeah! In just one little drink of coke or how many you’re willing to drink; D.

Sure! Who doesn’t one some hippie cola huh?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Assignment #1 Feedback...

Great job girls! Very good stories, very good imaginations. It's great what you can come up with in your mind from such simple pictures, right? Unfortunately, I did not see Kevin's contribution on this assignment, so your team grade will be lower because of it. Other than that, you will all get full credit for your individual work. 

Thumbs up!