Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Same?

Smoking gave me the threat cancer
at 39. Now I breathe through a
hole in my throat and need this
machine to speak"
-Ronaldo Martinez

The ad is telling us to quit smoking, it goes to people who smoke and it could also be for people who don't smoke and maybe they are thinking of it. It was made to tell us what smoking can cause in our lives, and how would affect us maybe not like the guy in the ad but in some way. I think that the ad may cause a very hard impresion in some o us, but not to every body. The ad worked for me.


  1. I think it's veeeeery true :|, I'm glad I don't smoke.. and that's a true advertisement. I once met an old lady in person who had the same problem as he does, and believe me IT WASN'T PRETTY AT ALL :|

  2. I agree
    because I really hate smoke
    and is very dangerous for your health.
