Saturday, April 25, 2009

3rd Partial Blog Assignment #1

1. Movies and books often talk about the value of loyalty and friendship. Write about a time in your life when friendship proved to be of great value and importance to you.

2. People often say, "Don't judge a book by its cover." Describe a time when you misjudged someone solely on his or her appearance or when someone misjudged you.

3. Sometimes lies can have serious consequences. Describe a time in your life when a lie had a serious consequence for you.

4. Parents are our first and most important teachers. Describe a time when you learned a valuable lesson from one of your parents.

5. Many writers have dealt with the theme of a character losing control and going beyond reason. Describe a time in your life when you lost control, and tell why.

6. Some of our richest experiences take place when we travel. Tell about a memorable experience you had when you were traveling.

7. Animals can sometimes seem remarkably human. Describe an experience with an animal that acted in a very human way.


  1. I’ll take the first prompt.

    I’ve always think friendship is a very important thing in our lives. You need to take care of it and watch it grow fonder and stronger over time. Also you need to have lots of values involved in your relation so the friendship can be a true and loyal one. The most important thing is that friends support and help each other, always.

    We’ve all been through the roughest times, we’ve all had a rocky road in our paths, but not all have had the class of friends I am glad to have. When I was a little younger, I had lots of problems with my family, but seriously, who doesn’t have them when being a teenager? In every fight I would lose my grip, and my defenses would pathetically fall, but my friends were always there for me. They make me happy on the saddest days, they make me laugh on the most inappropriate times, and they make me smile with the silliest things. They are everything to me.

    Most of my life revolves around my very best friends. I try to be with them every time I can and concern a lot about their lives; I want them to know they can count on me as they are always with me no matter what. I want to return that favor. They also correct me when I’m wrong or congratulate me when I’m right. They are sincere for they always say the truth. There are no secrets because there is confidence, there is confidence because you are always loyal, and you are loyal because you love your friend. And I do love my friends.

  2. 5.Many writers have dealt with the theme of a character losing control and going beyond reason. Describe a time in your life when you lost control, and tell why.

    Many people have lost control in their life for whatever reason. Some people actually have good reasons, other people just because. Well, so have I. For me, losing control would be like doing everything you shouldn't do, and going crazy because of anything.

    About two or three years ago I was having a lot of problems at home. At first, I would really try not to let them affect me in any way at all. And I was able to do that, no one noticed there was something wrong. The problems got worse though. I began to get mad, tired and desperate of the problems, so I just exploded.

    I got out of control in a horrible way. I began to say "I don't care", "Whatever", "It doesn't matter", and a bunch of other things like that for everything. Whatever I was told not to do, I did it. WHenever mom told me something important, I would completely ignore her. I would lie all the time to get things. And I began to do other things that I prefer not to say. I got depressed very easily and thought life sucked. I was completely out of control.

    For some reason I reacted and thought, what in the world has happened to me? So I began to change back to who I was again (thank God). I realized what I was doing was stupid and immature, so I took control of my life. It doesn't mean I'm a complete saint right now, but I'm more responsible for what I do now. Plus, things are much better at home so that helps a lot. And I am totally nos depressive anymore. Now what I say for everything is: "Everything happens for a reason". And it's true.

  3. 7. Animals can sometimes seem remarkably human. Describe an experience with an animal that acted in a very human way.

    There is said that dogs don’t cry at all, when their eyes are wet is a way of transpiration of the dog. I experienced a weird situation with my dog a few months ago, that was remarkable to me. It all started one day my sister and I went to take for a walk with my three dogs. My dogs are family, I mean the biggest is Harry and is the father is the “alpha one”, then is his first son Charlie, and the youngest Bruno, also a son of Harry.

    So, the thing is that we went walking to my mom’s job (is not too far) and all was right we get there and the sunset was starting so, we decide to get back home. As we were on our way back home, I had Harry and Charlie by my side and my sister had only Bruno the young one. All was fine until, a strong ugly pit bull came all over our dogs, like decided to go for it, but he was across the street and I didn’t see him at all but my sister was behind me with Bruno and started to scream like hell, and when I turn around this black strong dog was biting Bruno so Harry went all over the dog but the dog turn around to Harry now and I had two dogs (Charlie just got scared behind me). So all what was left was screaming like hell with my sister. The worst part is that we weren’t alone, the owner of the pit bull was just watching us freak out because his dog was killing ours! And he did nothing, the stupid guy we like scream to him of what he was about to die! I was so mad … after a while he called his dog and the stupid dog went to his owner and I was like WHAT! Was horrible, two of my dogs were bleeding Bruno from his chest and nose, Harry from his but. I was so angry I couldn’t believe it what a…. was the guy! But any way I called my mother for her to pick us up and take the dogs to the veterinarian.

    The vet was checking up the dogs first up was Bruno he was cleaned up and he gave us instructions of his treatment. Then Harry was up , he was bleeding bit from his but, but Harry is very aggressive in the aspect that he is a little old now and that he doesn’t like to be all checked up, he is a special dog so, the vet sedate him. Was so sad to see he all in pain he couldn’t move but he heard us and he was with his eyes open seeing us. The vet started to clean him up and check the bite from the pit bull, then he stitched up and Harry was with his eyes wet and I was like omg he is crying but kind of a joke , because what I knew is that they don’t cry like us. And the vet was like wow is true... And I was stunned because he told me that didn’t happen; the vet said that it might be crying of pain because the way he was breathing was completely different, he seems to breathe like when we cry. It was pretty weird the whole thing; I don’t know it felt so weird. So, we were back home and Harry was still sedated, and I talk to him and you know care for him. I carry him all the way to his little house and let him recover, I was checking on him and all. When he was up was incredibly weird in the way he saw me , you might say me crazy but he seemed to be thankful in some how he look at me and licked me , was very weird but sweet .

  4. 3. Sometimes lies can have serious consequences. Describe a time in your life when a lie had a serious consequence for you.

    A very bad experience in my life was related to a lie well is a lie and an act, since then my behavior change dramatically. This entire situation takes place in my elementary school. I was a very rebel boy I was very mischievous in my elementary school and that makes me always be mess in problems. My relation with the teachers was the worst one.
    In my 7th grade I calm a little bit, I try to study and prove my self that I can be a better student. I try but, even so I was mess in problems every day and that affect my grades directly. In my 3rd six weeks exams I was at the side of the teacher’s desk and I saw the exams for the other days. When the teacher turn around a min, I took them and keep it in my back pack. Then a few days later they noticed that I steel them and they expel me for 3 days and annul my exam grades and the teachers have a meeting with my parents and explain them all this situations and they punished me severely.
    Curiously my parents always punish me, but that occasion I really was conscience of what I have done and how my parents were disappointed of me. That really makes me considerate my behavior. Then in my Junior High I was totally a different guy I was a student of 99 average and a example to follow. The teachers of my elementary were amazed in my change, my parents were proud of me, because of my radical change and more because it was by my own. And that’s hoy I changed my behavior radically.

  5. 2. People often say, "Don't judge a book by its cover."

    They say firsts imprsions are not the right ones, some of them yes, but some of them not. I've experienced may situations like this. One of them that is the most simple example is when you enter a new school. For example in my first day of school before getting to know many of my classmates and they knowing me, we had our first impresions and some of them were not as good as you think.
    When I entered the classroom for first time i was not liking the idea of having some of them in the classroom. I thought that people coming from taes were very concited, show off, etc, but i was wrong, they're cool and very good friends. Some others are exactly as the way I thought they were. For example Iliana, i thought she was shy, inteligent, and that stuff, and i as right. Another example is Denise, the first day i thought she was a prepy selfish girl, but she's the oposite.
    Is not good to have bad impresions of people because maybeyou would stay with that idea altought it is not true. You must always give a chance to everybody to find out who they really are. Don't judge people before getting to know them, because firt impresions are not always true. If you don't give them a chance you will not have the chance to make a new friend.
