Thursday, May 28, 2009

David Grohl and Farewell

Final Blog Assignment

I really liked using the blog, it was a very interisting and fun thing to do. Of course sometimes I would be very lazy and wouldn’t like to do it , but most of the times I really put and effort in it. I liked inventing and writing stories, the album was cool too. This blog helped us to be really creative , go beyond the normal guidelines a written essay can give you. This was way more interesting to do.

Blogging is now a very common thing to do, some people even make their lives out of it, so I think this was a very useful thing to do and learn. We can now use this for our own sake. I think it is very important for stufents to actualize themselves, and doing homeworks via internet by blogs was a very good way to start doing it.

Teacher you were very creative doing this, it was a great idea I must admit. Also it is pretty cool that there was a lot of order in this. Of course there were some minimum problems, like the photo wont upload or the entry wont post, but nothing more. I think everyone put an effort to it and we made it possible for you teacher. Thank you for giving us this opportunity and I’ll add that you’re a great teacher! Thank you :D

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