Monday, May 11, 2009

My banddd :)

Our band name is Zion Triangle, we just kinda came up with it for no reason really. We play pop music, sometimes romantic ones. There are four members on our band. I'm the lead singer, Sam Peppers and Joe Addams are the guitar players, and Lenny Pretson is the drummer. I love my band, Lenny and Joe are crazy and Sam is such a romantic! We get along really well, and always have a lot of fun.
We don't really have an incredible story of how we started, but I'll tell it anyways. Well, I always used to sing in the classroom when we were in highschool and Sam and Joe were my classmates. Lenny was Joe's neighbor. One day at our school, a talent show was announced. We weren't really excited about it until they offered a hundred dollars to each winner. Immediately Sam, Joe and me began to plan our band. Joe invited Lenny with us to complete the band. So we started practicing in my garage and we even came up with our own songs; we wrote two of our own. We won the talent show and each got a hundred dollars! We were so excited! The talent show turned out perfect and everyone liked us, so we decided to keep playing. More people heard us and we started to get recognized around town. In almost no time we were famous and playing all around the continent!

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